our Training Program is four fold and made up of:
  • Basic Training
  • In-Service Combined Training
  • Specialized /managerial Training
  • Out Sourse Seminars/Workshops


Irrespective of previous experience, all male and female employees are required to undergo our basic course in security to be on par with our standard of professionalism. Previous experience gained in an authoritative environment such as the armed services is of course, highly appreciated .Nevertheless, it must be understood that in career security, one has to work under restrained facilities or authority . This is the primary reason why new comers, although they may possess considerable training and experience, require re-orientation via our training programs.

In- Service Combined Training Classes are conducted once a site where their services are not immediately needed. Since the participants are from different ranks, the topics under training are subjects in which they have been observed to be poor as reported by our visiting officers during their day & night site visits. in addition ,security problems referred to by clients, as well as what our managers referred to by clients, as well as what our managers refer have observed on their visits ,are topics discussed in classroom work.

Specialized /Managerial Training Specialized /Managerial Training is also conducted while in-service on sundays. Such areas of training incorporate Supervisory Methods
  • Writing of Reports
  • Conducting preliminary Investigation
  • Giving Leadership
  • Motivating personnel
  • Assessing and handling of problems relating to grievances
  • Public Relations and Customer care

Out source Seminars/ workshops

Our senior staff is encouraged to expand their knowledge and horizons by availing themselves of educational opportunities offered by various governmental Organizations, and private training academies in Sri Lanka such as NIBM and SLIDA. These seminars assist in orientating and developing skills to perform day-to-day work expeditiously with an added touch of "class".


Effective Communications achieved via mobile telephones carried by all our supervisors and senior officers.


The high standard of professionalism incorporated in the company framework is achieved by training, and the recruitment of professionals in corresponding fields. the company hierarchy consists of professionally trained high ranking ex-military officers with reputations for efficiency and integrity in the armed service ,which have undergone extensive training in military academies in Sri Lanka ,USA ,and other countries .


Our sevices desk is continuosls update information pertaining to security in site (s) under maintenance. This ensures that special care is taken to maintain requisite higt standards and offer a flawless service that contributes to longstanding business links. The service desk is headed by atop management security profesional providing satiafactort security service


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